Jamie  Witman


I recently graduated with my MLIS from FSU and began working for Strozier library performing collection development duties for the Humanities subject areas. I also earned my B.A. from FSU in Religion in 2012.

Besides digital humanities my professional interests include collection development issues in the humanities, scholarly communication and instruction.

In my free time I enjoy running and playing ultimate frisbee with my husband.

  • Talk Session: Stop, Collaborate & Listen


    As someone that is new to this field, I’m particularly interested in discussing and sharing ideas that have helped you (as a DH enthusiast/librarian/coordinator/faculty member) cultivate habits of mind that encourage collaboration with, and across different knowledge bases. Have you incorporated collaboration into your pedagogical structure as a learning objective or do you see collaboration as being an important part of digital pedagogy?

    I would love to hear from anyone who is actively engaged with other members of their DH community on how they created that relationship and how they continue to build upon it. I would also love to hear from those who are just beginning to form those relationships. Did you find it difficult to reach out to other areas of scholarship? Do you find that having collaboration as a facet of digital pedagogy has improved your work/research/etc.?

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